Girls Cross Country

Concordia’s Panning, Weller, and Scheumann Get Top Three Spots, Homestead Takes Team Title at Taylor

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Concordia and Homestead had solid showings at the Taylor Invitational in Upland, IN.

Concordia’s Lexi Panning finished first with a time of 18:16.2. Her teammate Mallory Weller finished second at 18:18.7. Sidney Scheumann took third at 19:05.3.

Homestead took first in the team standings. Five Spartans reached to top 10. Sophomore Caterina Perego finished fourth, freshman Lucy Kramer took fifth, Lauren Saddington took sixth, freshman Lindsey Arnold came in eighth, and sophomore Brier Saddington came in 10th.

To find out about the boys’ varsity race, click here:

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